How To Discern a Good Learning Resource When Learning To Code

All beginner coders ask this question:

Where do I start?

The internet has made specialized information cheap and easy to access.

But too much information isn't helpful either. I often hear that people get started with coding only to eventually find themselves having fallen out of practice. It "got too difficult" and they didn't know what to try next.

You need a framework to discern good and bad resources.

The problem with information overwhelm is that you will doubt your own ability to choose the right resource.

Having a framework will give you the confidence you need to stick with one even when it gets tough.

Here's my one question framework:

Is the resource aiming to teach you foundations for long-term success, or just a short-term skill?

Free, easy, and no accountability (think Codecademy) are great to get you from 0 to 1.

But nothing meaningful is ever easy. Easy doesn't teach you the right ways of thinking. They just teach you via rote memorization.

Book-like resources or lecture videos that use words and visualizations to depict mental models, especially when accompanied by exercises, do a much better job with fundamentals.

That's not to say that everything at Codecademy or the like are bad.

These platforms provide quality ideas for projects once you get through the basics. These projects give you practice which is worth their weight in gold. Mini projects work well precisely because they are difficult.

Don't just opt for easy resources. It won't serve you in the long run.